A Senior Citizens Support Centre is a centre established to render support, give love, care and attention to the elderly as per their requirements and or within the confines of one’s own home.

We are inspired by the Ayah of the Quraan and the Ahaadith of Nabi alayhis salaam wherein the following is narrated:
“Your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and that you be kind to your parents. If one or both of them reach old age with you, do not say to them a word of disrespect, or scold them, but say a generous word to them. And act humbly to them in mercy, and say, ‘My Lord, have mercy on them, since they cared for me when I was small”
(Quran 17:23-24).

In the book Al-Adab al-Mufrad, there is a narration that states, “Part of respect for Allah is to show respect to an old Muslim.”

Islam highlights the importance of caring for the old, and that this is to be done as a means of attempting to repay the countless hours spent serving in the growth of the child. This verse shows us that our role towards the old is one of service and when they reach old age, we should be aware of our behavior towards them.

The reader is advised to a very important lesson, that being, that immediately after mentioning Monotheism which is the most crucial theological point in our religion, Almighty Allah then commands the just, loving treatment of our parents and by extension, those of old age. This extension is understood because scholars have stated that if one’s parents have passed on then it is upon the child to look after their parent’s next of kin (aunts, uncles), whom presumably would also be of old age.
Narrated by Hazrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-‘As: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Those who do not show mercy to our young ones and do not realize the rights of our elders are not from us” (Sunan Abu Dawud).

One may question, what are the rights of the elders?
As the verse from the Quran states, it is to treat them well and to give them the respect they deserve. Also, because we understand this act as an attempt to reciprocate what they did for us as small children, it is to be understood that as they reach this delicate age where they become dependent on others, that their children fulfill their needs. This goes also for those without children, it falls upon the Muslim community to find means of caring for them.

Abu Hurairah (may God be pleased with him) reported:
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “May he be disgraced! May he be disgraced! May he be disgraced, whose parents, one or both, attain old age during his lifetime, and he does not enter Jannah (by being dutiful to them)” (Muslim).
The very busy lifestyle, growing issue of disrespect, lack of care, support and love for the elderly has encouraged us to set up this support centre for the elderly.

Caring for an aged and elderly person requires training, excellent temperament and a passion to serve. Families that require education and support in caring for the elderly will be able to attend courses, discussions and training offered from time to time. Families must be assisted in their goals to help their elderly. It is not uncommon to find spouses or brothers and sisters that disagree with each other on how their parents will be cared for. It may be that a wife refuses to allow her husband’s parents to move into their home although he has no other siblings able to assist in this regard. What then is to be done? Scholars have stated that in such a case the couple should sit and discuss with each other in a calm manner the immensity of care for the elderly and specifically for parents. The guidance and advise of a learned and experienced person can also be besought where various solutions can be explored.
There is also a major role of setting up waqaf or endowments to assist the elderly and also support people in the community who wish to pursue a career of caring for the elderly or helping those that are attempting to do so on their own. One may even create scholarships or jobs in communities for well-trained individuals to assist with the elderly in their homes in light of the Quran and Sunnah.

Most importantly, young people must be brought up upon the premise that respect for elders is essentially Islamic. When a young person grows up not only being taught that care, love, and affection towards the elderly is incumbent upon them, but sees their parents, their friends and those around them practicing this, they will find it within themselves to live their lives according to this noble act. We ask Allah Taala that He facilitate this within us all and cause us all to enter Paradise through our care for the elderly.